A Worthy God

13 08 2009

“If a man would be used greatly, God must hurt him deeply.” -Dr. Les Ollila

I often wonder why God would count me worthy placing me into the ministry; and the only answer I can think of is that God chooses the weak to confound the wise. I feel a lot like Peter, always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But, I am so encouraged by the life of Peter. God still told him to feed his sheep. Why did God choose Peter to be leader? Why not Andrew or Bartholomew? Why Peter over John and James? I know God used them as well, but why confront Peter with the job of feeding his sheep; he was the least likely? Why has God placed me in the position of under-shepherd? Many times I think that God’s sheep would be better served by a more talented, less sinful, more sensitive, less faulty shepherd.

But I suppose I would miss out on being broken by God and truly seeing what it means to say, “Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none upon the earth that I desire beside Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth, but God, you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” One thing I know, that if the ministry God has lead me to is ever successful; all glory,praise, honor, and value must be assigned to God alone-I can share none of it.